Patient Resources

Our office uses a HIPPA Compliant Secure Patient Portal that allows us to communicate privately, view and update your nutritional supplementation and medication history, keep track of follow-up recommendations and more.

After scheduling, you will be asked to register on the Seeds of Wellness Patient Portal before  the first appointment.

You can use the form found at the link below to sign in to the Patient Portal to begin managing your records.

Please submit all clinical questions for Dr. Schnyer using the secure Patient Portal message center.

Ordering Supplements:

You are under no obligation to order supplements from us. Our online supplement ordering dispensary has been established as a service to facilitate your treatment and make it easier you to find what you need. It provides high quality, pharmaceutical grade supplements, from manufacturers who have gained Dr. Schnyer’s confidence through considerable research and experience.

She determines what supplements to prescribe by considering the quality of science behind the product, the quality of the ingredients themselves, the quality of the manufacturing process, and the synergism between the product’s components.

There are many supplement options available over the counter that although cheaper are not necessarily effective or safe.


Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

Herbal Formulas

We use only products that are guaranteed to be free of pesticides, toxic metals and other contaminants. The companies we work for provide Certificates of Analysis to attest to the extensive testing their products undergo. We order our formulas from the local AOMA Herbal Medicine with two convenient locations in North and South Austin, and from various trusted suppliers online.


Collaborative | Empowering | Personalized

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