
 Awaken the Healer Within

Transformation sometimes involves a radical change. Other times it unfolds as a
gradual metamorphosis.

Your journey is unique and healing takes time. At Seeds of Wellness, we aim to work with you in creating an emergent mindbody wellness strategy that combines wisdom and science, to support you in moving towards optimal wellness.

Every first visit (2 hours) includes an in-depth interview and case review. We will take the time to delve deeply into your story, learn about your health challenges, and evaluate your specific needs.

Together we will set goals and collaborate on a plan. An integrated Chinese Medicine and Functional Medicine framework provides the basis. Nutrition, acupuncture, targeted supplements, and herbs give us the tools. Like branches of the same tree, you can choose to engage with all or just with one, and you can choose to combine different components of treatment.


Nurture. Balance. Restore.

  • Wellness Coaching

    Dr. Schnyer will encourage and guide you in developing a personal road map, to define and articulate your wellness goals, identify the obstacles, and discover the immense power of defining your intention and acknowledging the underlying need. Develop the skills to engage in a conversation with your body and find options that transform and bring joy. Learn simple solutions to get deep, restorative sleep, move with ease, eat intuitively, serve the world passionately, and live your life to its fullest potential.

  • Acupuncture

    Through the insertion of very fine needles on the body’s surface to influence physiological functioning, Acupuncture treatments give us an opportunity to take a break from maladaptive stress patterns, and return to the inherent functional wisdom of the BodyMindSpirit. Gradually, our system re-learns how to do naturally what it was originally designed to do. Acupuncture increases our resilience to stress and illness, it enhances our ability to engage the world and helps restore our healthy functionality at all levels.

  • Functional Nutrition

    Increased access to information allows us to make better choices for sustainable living. Sometimes, the choices for healthy eating are many and seem to contradict each other. The answer is not the same for everyone. Our food needs depend on our constitutional make up, our ethnic and cultural heritage, our activity, our goals and objectives, our age and the present developmental stage of our lives. By engaging in a collaborative effort, Dr. Schnyer will support you in finding the foods that nurture you and identify those that work against your wellness efforts, physically, cognitively, affectively and spiritually. Together you will awaken your own intuitive eating in order to fully thrive while enjoying delicious, healthy foods.

  • Biochemistry Analysis

    A functional analysis of laboratory tests focuses on assessing the risk of disease before the disease actually develops. Sub-clinical markers, which have not yet reached a pathological range but actually fall outside an optimal healthy range can be invaluable in uncovering underlying imbalances and help inform nutritional and lifestyle choices.

  • Chinese Herbs

    Developed through empirical observation and many years of clinical experience, Chinese herbs are widely used today to address illness, enhance health and maintain physical, mental and emotional well-being. Medicinal substances have unique individual characteristics, functions and indications for use and formulas are selected with the utmost attention to the needs of the individual person. We use only products that are guaranteed to be free of pesticides, toxic metals and other contaminants. The companies we work for provide Certificates of Analysis to attest to the extensive testing their products undergo.

  • Dietary Supplements

    New research indicates that our nutritional needs are individually determined, and that fueling one’s own nutritional needs based on biochemical individuality may enhance our functional performance. With so many claims made about the health benefits of dietary supplements and with so many dietary supplements available, it is difficult for the average person to decide what may be effective, what may interact with medications, and what is actually safe. The judicious use of dietary supplements does not aim at finding “a green” substitute for medications, but rather it aims at creating an optimal internal environment by optimizing quality, distribution and absorption of nutrients.

  • Integrated Bodywork

    Our body houses every experience we have ever had in our lives. It both contains and expresses our innermost thoughts, emotions and intentions. Consistent and rhythmic pressure is applied along the channels or qi pathways to restore balance. Attain a profound state of relaxation and alertness, and recover a sense of integration and well being.

  • Mindfulness Meditation

    Mindfulness Meditation is a self-directed practice for relaxing the body and calming the mind. Paying attention in the present moment, on purpose, and without judgment helps us cultivate self-awareness, self-regulation and a positive relationship between self and others. Dr. Schnyer offers individual instruction on meditative techniques to encourage you to develop a practice, or to provide guidance and support along the way.

  • Comprehensive Evaluation

    (120 min) $185

    Most initial evaluations

    includes a short treatment or coaching session, time permitting

  • Acute Evaluation & Treatment

    (90 min) $165

    Initial single issue specific evaluation and short treatment

  • Evaluation-Only

    (60 min) $150

    Additional time:

    $ 60 per 30 minutes

  • Acupuncture-Only

    (Established Patients)

    Regular acupuncture sessions: $95

    Seniors and student courtesy discounts available.

  • Consultations & Coaching

    (Established patients)

    Limited – $45

    Comprehensive – $75

    Extensive – $150

  • Group Visits

    Coming Soon!

    Please ask to be placed on our notification list for our new group acupuncture and wellness visits.

Collaborative | Empowering | Personalized

Book a 15-minute free phone consultation to answer your questions about becoming a patient